Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sri Lanka n seasons.

                       In Sri Lanka, there are two seasons. They are the dry season and the rainy season. The weather becomes very hot in the dry season. Under the heat, streams and wells dry up. In large lakes only some muddy water remains.The fish in them die. The water level in rivers goes down. Animals in jungles trek miles and miles looking for water. Most of them die on the way. There is suffering  everywhere.

                                The South West Monsoon and the North East Monsoon bring in the rainy season. Tanks,rivers,streams,wells and water-holes begin to over-flow. Trees.shrubs and vines become fresh and green. Animals and birds grow fat on the grass,leaves,fruits and seeds. Farmers are happy. The dry season is over. Now they can start their cultivation               

Autumn Season


                         When the trees start shedding their leaves and the green grass lands and savannas turn dry,brown and yellow,you know it`s autumn time,wich is the period March, April and May. The Transition from summer to autumn is quite sudden,wich makes the autumn season feel rather short.

                              Looking at South Africa as a whole Autumn probably offers the best conditions from a weather and climate point of view. Across the country temperatures are pleasantly warm and not hot,but slowly becoming colder as the season gets on nights are cool,but not yet cold.      

Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer Season.


                   Our Summer season is during the months December,January and February.For most of the country this is the rainfall season. South African weather conditions in the interior and especially on the vast interior plateau during the summer are characterized by warm to hot and dry days. Temperatures are ranging on average between 25 and 35 degrees Celsius,often accompanied by Heavy afternoon thunder storms which clear quickly. These short but heavy rains help to keep temperatures down at night,of ten on the cool side,sometimes warm,but not hot.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Spring Season

                  This season arrives during different part of the year in the North and South of the world. Spring in the Northern Hemisphere is called Boreas spring. It begins on March 20th and ends on June 21st. In the Southern  Hemisphere,it is called Austral spring. It begins on September 23rd and ends on December 21st. Spring enriches natural beauty and it seems as if nature is dressed in a beautiful green gown.